Thursday, 23 January 2014

Sabah Trip (Kundasang) Part-1

After a big rest, today i come back to update about our latest trip... I will say that this post is a little bit special because for the first time I will write a post in broken english (juz neglect any grammatical error)  and talk about my own state which is Sabah. Before this, all of our activities that have been posted were held at Bumi Kenyalang, Sarawak. Before go through, let me give u some eye's refreshment . juz look at pic below... jeng jeng jeng. :P Muahahahah! (evil laugh)

Mesilau, Kundasang

I bet many of you feel excited when see this pic, not because of the model (model la sgt) but because of the view rite??hehe... For me, the view is really beautiful and refreshing... I would say that you will feel even more when you breathe the air by yourself. 

By the way, this trip has been planned about 2 to 3 weeks before but we only confirm about the trip two days before the actual date due to the unpredictable weather at Sabah. There was heavy rain, and some place were flooding juz before we go there.. One more thing is I don't have the confirmation from my dad to use his 4WD. The only solution for me is to use Perodua Kancil which I think impossible for us to reach Mesilau with that tiny car... I'm afraid that we will get stuck because there are hills that we need to pass through. So, all we can do is pray so that we will have a good weather at that time and my dad will give permission to use his car. But, thanks to God, our prayer has been answered because at that time, the weather is good and I have been given the permission.

So there are only three of us that joined this trip which is Mir, Nasha and of course myself as the guide and driver(xda gaji). huhuhu... The others cannot make it. Maybe some of them really enjoy to be at home kot.... biasalah lepas exam mmg nak rehat kan. hehe.. So on 18th of January 2014, sejarah tercipta where Nasha for the first time menjejakkan kaki di Sabah. Of course she feel really excited and sempat tanya whether she is dreaming at that time. Then we sepak kepala dia so tht she will get up from her juz kidding.. there was a little bit delay on her flight which makes me and Mir a little bit nervous. What will happen if she's been kidnapped? lol.. u know that Sabah is not really safe for backpackers. We need friends to jalan2 at Sabah. Or else u will experienced with pick pocket or 'diugut' by the illegal immigrants. After 4 to 5 miscall then she finally answered my call and syukur lah nak dah sampai akhirnya. hehe

So our first plan is to go Kundasang and find place to sleep. I have been searching for places over the internet and one place that came into my mind is Kiram's Village because of the scenery and low price. But pity for us, all the rooms have been fully booked. So I have to find another place and lastly we decided to stay at Puncak Borneo Resort. The price is consider affordable and the views also not bad. We can see the Mountain peak from our room.

So, at 12.30pm we start our journey to Kundasang. We stopped at Inanam for lunch then continue our journey to Kundasang. It was my first experience driving to Kundasang. But the route is simple, we juz follow the GPS.. juz go to Tuaran Bypass then Tamparuli. From Tamparuli juz follow the route and you will reach Kundasang. It is simple but the journey is not that simple.. we need to pass through hills and mist... This is 'original aircond'.. really cold and refreshing... by the way, if you don't really know how to drive manual car, you should choose auto instead of manual. Lucky for me because I can drive both.. hehe.. there is so much cars and trucks. So, some time when the route going uphill you will get stuck behind the truck. My advice is to drive slowly but not too slow because if you did, there will be many cars queue up behind you.

Finally, we arrived at Puncak Borneo resort at 4pm. The resort situated right at the junction of Bundu Tuhan. The air is really cold thus no need for any aircond. Actually the coldness of the air itself kalah tu aircond..haha. After checked in, we decided to visit Timpohon Gate at Kinabalu Park. Kinabalu Park is situated about 2km from Puncak Borneo. To reach Timpohon gate, we need to drive uphill. The route makes me nervous a little bit but thanks to my driving skills that we were able to reach Timpohon gate..hehehe. Timpohon Gate is the starting to those who want to climb Mount Kinabalu. The second check point is Laban rata which is higher than Timpohon gate. You can choose to use Timpohon Gate or Laban Rata.. kalau malas2 or x mampu, guna Laban Rata ja..hehe. 

Timpohon gate, Mount Kinabalu
 believe me its really cold.. trip2 korea suda Mir

No luck for us. cannot see the view because of the mist.. huhuh

Just take pictures no matter what

bye2 smua. we are going to climb the mountain... not now but soon!..haha

Pondok Timpohon

Finally reach at "Oxford university, England".. lol

After taking photo, we decided to go back to our lodge before dark. I'm afraid we cannot see the road when its getting dark. So, we decided to have our dinner at Puncak Borneo Resort. After taking our bath, we went to the restaurant which is upstairs from our room. 

Entertainment provided by Puncak Borneo Resort 

cannot see anything at night

We ordered Mix Vegetable soup, sweet and sour fish, and ginger chicken with onion. For me the food is just ordinary but the atmosphere is different. Its really cold. There is no fan or aircond at the restaurant but then we need to wear sweater..haha... Nasha and Mir were busy with their korean drama and me just want to finish the foods as soon as possible.. haha.. 

Both of them busy with their korean drama (My love from the stars)

The total cost for foods and drinks is RM43.80.. affordable price with free entertainment. Consider having meal here next time. The waitress is also good... We came back to our room at 8pm.. Only God knows how we feel when try to sleep at the resort.. Nasha and Mir sempat minum air panas juz to transfer the heat to their epic failed!! haha.. can u imagine sleeping with double sweater and you still feel the coldness.. huhuhu... But at last, all of us can sleep due to tiredness.... ZZZzzz

The next day we woke up at 4.30am just want to see the peak of Mount Kinabalu but its just too early and still dark. At 5.30 we were able to see the 'bayang2' of Mount Kinabalu and of course we were amazed with the height furthermore it was really in front of us.

Mount Kinabalu
View of Mount Kinabalu at 5.30am.. 

Mount Kinabalu
View of Mount Kinabalu at 7am

At 7 o'clock in the morning we were able to see the peak but the mist was still there. Maybe its not our luck to see clear view of Mount Kinabalu. We decided to check out early after having our breakfast. The resort only provide free breakfast for two and for me, I have to pay (untunglah yg free). Before leaving the resort, we took some pictures as evidence that we have been at Puncak Borneo Resort.. hek3

Puncak Borneo Resort, Sabah
Front view of Puncak Borneo Resort

Sumandak sabah from Kudat

My pictures kena la special ckit... hehehe

jangan sampai jatuh pula yer... hohoho

Restaurant at the back...

The cost for accommodation at puncak Borneo Resort is RM100 only.. cheap right?? so for those of you who want to stay overnight but want to save money, you may consider Puncak Borneo Resort as your place to stay. But believe me, there is a lot of homestay/lodge/resort/hotel in Kundasang. Just make sure you have back up plan so that you will be able to save cost on fuel transport and at the same save your time. 

I think, its enough for now, need to rest for a while. I will continue this post on second part where we went to Mesilau (lembu new Zealand)..hehheeh..  Just wait and see... :p

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Nasha 22nd B'Day CelebraTion... Fire Stone Steamboat

Bersempena dgn b'day ahli headhunter kita iaitu Nasha or dikenali sebagai Pandalela Nasha Rinong yg jg merangkap ketua AJK pengangkutan Kelab Headhunters, Kelab Headhunters telah mengadakan majlis (majlis la sgt) makan malam dlm bentuk Steamboat. Event ini bertempat di Fire Stone Steamboat Jalan Stutong yg dihadiri oleh tetamu2 kehormat seperti sy sendiri, nasha sbg tetamu n turut dihadiri oleh YB Alfred(YB-Yang Bernama), Miryian (artis budaya dr new zealand), Markos (Menteri pengangkutan), Christy (isteri menteri pengangkutan), Jilo (menteri belia dan sukan cempaka), Jonas (jonas brother pun datang k.. jgn main2), rodim (Photographer dr majalah Times), Wen ley (saturday couple) and emra (saturday couple)  .. Sebelum review lebih lanjut, jom kita tgk dulu gambar2 d bwh ni.... jeng3

Sebelum bermula acara, ada exam dulu.. hek3... exam yg simple... pilih minuman yg harga x lebih dari rm2.50.. tu dlm pakej.. sbnrnya, x dlm pakej tp yuran(skemanya ayat) yg kmu byr tu mmg termasuk utk minuman.. well, mmg sy dah fikir smua tu..hihi.. so kita dpt lihat Alfred sedang meniru.. nasib baik pengawas peperiksaan xda tym tu..haha.. N kita boleh lihat babi kat bbq plate(x tau apa nama) tu yer.. sbg minyak kot.. huhuh

Mir n christy sedang menyusun pinggan mangkuk... mereka juga membahagikan sos cili tu.. haha.. kerja yg baik... :P

Nasha, wen n emra... tgk lah siapa paling sexy.. tgk bibir ja dah tau k...hahahah.. 

jilo bersama dgn jonas brother... 

Photograper kita bersama dgn bday girl...

sama bju dorang nie k... dorang beli bju couple nie.. beli satu percuma satu,,, hek3

Alfred x sabar lg memulakan masakan beliau... first tym sy nmpk YB masak k... 

mcm ni la rupa steamboat tu.. kat tengah tu utk grill tp balik2 jatuh sbb licin kn.. adoyai.. susa sgt nak masak tempat ni...huhu

Ni la makanan dlm pakej tu... satu pinggan ni n satu pinggan lg sayur khas utk dua org... 

Yummy... hehehe

Ni la sayur dia... hohoh...byk sgt la sayur ni..huhuhu.. dlm voucher x ckp pun sayur byk..haha

ya ini dia... smua hepi memasak nampaknya... n muka sy sempat lg kena sup steamboat k.. ni smua kerana artis budaya dari new zealand tu...huhuhuh.. best pula pic nie..hihi

Rodim bersama dgn alfred... tema mlm tu Merah Hitam... ngap sayot! ngap sayur pun ada... haha

Inilah dia kek ari jadi... blueberry cheese cake.. harga = RM56.00... agak mahal tp sedap yer... smua dlm pakej yuran kmu perlu risau...hehe

Bday girl ketawa malu2... tiup jer la... wen ley dah x sbr mkn

sesi pemotongan kek... :)

Maka dgn rasminya 'Dudu' pun dilahirkan.. patung tu nama dudu k.. siap ada nama kat patung tu... hek3.. 'Dudu' adalah adik kepada 'Damai'... satu tahun lebih tua..hek3

seriously sedap k.. hehe

Inilah dia gambar family Headhunter... smua jejaka tampan Sabah bergabung dgn gadis2 ctk sabah plus sarawak..hehehe.. 

Kesimpulannya, majlis berjalan dgn lancar tanpa sebarang masalah.. tamat dalam jam 10pm.. baru merancang nak g jalan2 tmpt lain sambil photoshoot tp x jd coz bday girl dia ada problem pula... so x dpt nak kata apa.. huhu.. berckp psl makanan tu pula, mmg x puas... haha... daging tu sikit sgt.. i think next tym x perlu g sini lg... tp at least kita dah try tmpt ni la kn.. oklah kot.. rm20 ja sorang kan(discount voucher).. siap mkn cheese cake lg..hehe.. tambang pun free..hoho.. thnks to owner kereta k... especially pasangan markos n christy yg bwa g beli barang..hehe... apa yg penting bg sy adalah memori kita makan bersama n thanksgiving... btw, kita lupa nak doa berkumpulan.. adoi!...haha.. may god bless her n may she success in her study n also future life... Amen!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

MSBW here we are!

kali ni nak tunjuk video persembahan Headhunters sempena MSBW anjuran Fakulti Seni Gunaan dan Kreatif  UNIMAS.. persembahan selama 10 minit ini mengisahkan tentang masyarakat borneo yg menyara hidup dengan bercucuk tanam, memburu dan sebagainya.. So selepas melakukan semua pekerjaan, dorang pun berehat n berpesta apabila pekerjaan dorang membuahkan hasil yg lumayan.. dlm tarian ini juga diselitkan tarian buluh yg berasal dari tarian Murut.. tarian yg menunjukkan ketangkasan para penari.. walaupun x perfect tp penonton tetap memberikan sorakan yg di luar dugaan..hehe.. n paling penting, penari2 termasuk sy sendiri bangga dpt melakukan persembahan yg jarang2 dpt disaksikan di bumi sarawak ini.. satu lg cara bertukar budaya antara sabah n sarawak.. :)

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Percutian 5-Star

Percutian ni telah dibuat pada penghujung semester lalu.. Cuma sy, nasha n Alfred ja yg dapat pergi tym nie disebabkan ahli2 lain dah balik kampung halaman. Rodim pula ada aktiviti dkt luar. dia tidur kat hotel sebelah ja dgn hotel kami.. Pullman kalau x silap.. tp x dpt jumpa dia mlm tu.. So kenapa sy ckp percutian nie 5-star?haha.. Ni sebab kami dapat stay excutive room kat riverside majestic tanpa bayar sesen pun.. yer.. x perlu byr langsung.. hek3.. dah kena sponsor mummy nasha..haha.. 

So kami bertolak dari Unimas agak lewat dlm jam 4.. rasa rugi pula bertolak lewat coz byk yg boleh dibuat kalau sampai awal.. boleh mandi swimming pool lama2.. jalan2 sekitar bandar lg.. Plan asal sebenarnya g hotel grand margherita tp dah full pula,, so dorang transfer g hotel riverside.. oklah.. tp fikir2 bgs juga la d riverside coz swimming pool d grand margherita terlalu public.. malu nak mandi..haha.. percutian ni termasuk free tea brea n breakfast.. mmg untunglah coz smua free kan.. kmi juz perlu cari restoran kat luar tym dinner.. tp so far oklah juga dpt jalan2... siap jalan2 kat waterfront lg malam2.. 

View dari launge room.. sangat tinggi okey! >.<

 Yang ni pula view dari bilik kami.. executive room..hoho

Sempat lg snap pic d bilik.. haha.. sebelum kluar pusing2 dlm hotel cari gym..  sedihnya gym tutup coz dlm pembaikan.. adei.. kalau x, mmg free ja masuk..

and then of coz la kami g swimming pool.. mandi sampai puas.. tym tu kami tiga org ja.. xda org lain..haha.. swimming pool kami conquer!! >.< view pun sgt ctk.. boleh nmpk DUN n sungai sarawak tu.. 

Mandi jgn x mandi..haha..

Nasha x brani masuk yg kat blakang tu dia brani.. kolam utk budak2..haha

Dinner tym.. kami kluar n jalan kaki ja cari restoran ni.. agak mahal la... 

banana Cheese with ice cream.. memang sedap!!

Minuman pun boleh tahan la... minuman alfred yg dlm pasu tu.. agak mahal la.. haha.. x pa bukan slalu..

Har, ini dia menu utama dinner.. hehe.. ayam penyet, ikan n burung puyuh.. yummy

lepas dinner tu kami pun singgah dkt waterfront.. jalan2 pada waktu malam.. x perlu risau blk lewat coz kami kan stay hotel.. kalau stay unimas lain crita..haha.. buang tebiat betul la 3 org nie!.. haha.. tgk tu nasha tembak alfred.. jahat betul! >.<

Ambil gambar bersama.. xda org lain tolong.. terpaksa self

Mr. Alfred sedang khusyuk membaca email... hoho.. menggunakan kemudahan wifi hotel sebaik-baiknya..haha

Free buffet Breakfast d riverside majestic cafe.. byk sgt pilihan makanan.. tym tu mmg kami paling lambat kluar.. hahaha

makanan nie pula tym buffet dinner 5-star d grand margherita with rodim, nasha n alfred... free jg nie...hehehe.. guna kupon jer.. hek3.. cheese cake mmg x boleh tahan.. walaupun perut dah full..

10 kali ambil pun xpa.. tp dah x larat.. ambil pizza, potato n byk lg..  yg lain  x ambil gambar pula.. hehe

Kesimpulannyan percutian nie mmg boleh dipanggil 5-star la sbb x perlu kluar sesen pun byr breakfast, tea break n hotel.. hehehe.. rugi la yg blk awal tu.. hek3.. kalau x, memang meriah lah mcm kat Damai..hehe